Friday, December 29, 2006

Christmas at Disney Land

This year we did Christmas a little different. We went to Disney Land and celebrated. We had a lot of fun! Its always fun when our family gets together and does things you never know whats going to happen. I will take you through some of the pictures I took and tell you the stories behind them.

Here Kyle is trying to behead my husband. I don't know why he
would want to do that but you know Kyle he has always wanted to be a pirate.

Here is mom and Aunt Mishel on the small world. This is one of Aunt Mishel's favorites rides at Disney Land!

My Aunt and I decided to change our hair styles. We were both sick of short hair so we decided to go long and curly. Aunt Mishel yours looks so much better than mine.

I will be posting more pictures as the days go by. My computer is acting up so that's all I can post for right now. I can't wait to share some more pictures.

1 comment:

Mishel said...

LOL...we did have so much that day. Gotta love the pics our LONG hair! LOL