Sunday, December 31, 2006

More Christmas pictures!

So I guess for those of you who don't know I have Vertigo. That's why" My world is spinning!" You would think Disney Land probably wouldn't have been the best place for me to go for Christmas, but that's where you are wrong. My husband Frank thought if he could just get me on the Tower of Terror this whole Vertigo thing would magically go away. That was the only ride I didn't go on, cause sorry but that logic is not working for me at all! So I did go on some rides got sick and dizzy and dizzy and sick, but these pictures your about to see well..... they speak for themselves. The first few are nice and we are all having fun and then something goes terrible wrong.

First let me explain for those of you who don't know at California Adventure they have a Ferris wheel. On this ride every other box moves. So there are ones that stay still and ones that don't. I love roller coasters and fast rides this Vertigo thing is really getting in the way! So I thought I soooo can handle this it will move about but not so much that I'm going to get sick or fell bad. So we all decided to go in a moving box. The guys went together and the girls went together too bad we didn't give the boys a camera because I have a feeling that there would be similar pictures to show you of the boys! In fact I can guarantee it because I heard my husband scream like a little girl. I have no room to talk (just remember I have Vertigo so that's a valid excuse) because here's what happened.
No you are not mistaken those are real tears. I had no idea that ride was going to bring me to tears. I lost it big time. There was only one point of the ride (we went around twice) I broke down and was screaming let me out. My mom, Aunt Mishel and sister were trying to talk me through the ride but it didn't work. That was the worst feeling ever!!! My mom put her feet up and closed her eyes it made it worse for me when I shut my eyes. I thought I was going to die. Not from the ride breaking and plunging our box into the water below us (that's what Frank was freaking out about) it was simply my body felt as if it was just going to shut down from too much movement and I couldn't control it. It took a while to feel like normal again (for me normal isn't even normal) but after I sat down for a while with my husbands arms wrapped around me things were going to be alright.

1 comment:

Mishel said...

Oh my goodness!! I am cracking up all over again!!! LOLOLOL This was soooo funny! I do feel bad though, that it wasn't fun for you. : ( But yeah, it was funny!

Love you!