Sunday, February 18, 2007

We are a family!

Since I was at my moms on Valentines day this year we decided to celebrate the day of LOVE on Friday. I was so excited as Dash and I were driving home. I hadn't seen Frank for a little over a week and I had butterfly's in my tummy. I felt like i did when we were dating. So we had kinda talked about what we were going to do that day. Go out to lunch see a movie hand out and talk. When Dash and I got home we were greeted by my love and he helped me unpack the car, we put everything in the room on the bed. I like to unpack and get everything all situated but Frank said we had no time for that. When I turned around to put something on my dresser there were a dozen pink roses a box of candy(i am not going to eat that!) and a basket of lots of wonderful things! So I got my things together and started to walk out the door. Frank said aren't you missing something, I thought to myself for a second "nope" I said. Frank said "what about Dash." Now this day I was ready to spend with Frank but he had other plans I got all happy and said "what are we doing?" Frank said "you will see get dash and lets go." So we got in the car all 3 of us and proceeded on. I figured out we were going to Irvine park (that's our favorite park) we hadn't taken dash there yet. When we got out I took Dash for a short walk and Frank had a picnic all ready to go for the 3 of us. It was the best Valentines Day yet! We ate and talked about our week. Then we took dash over to the little lake and walked around it. We had so much fun!!! I think Frank is starting to think like a Daddy more. I love it I love it I love it!!!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Change is good!

I haven't had bangs since I was about 10. I hadn't even really been thinking about cutting my hair. When I got to my moms house I just thought I would call the place where she gets her hair done to see if I could get a trim. When I got there I told the hair stylist I want it to be a little darker than my natural color and I think I want bangs. She told me she thought I would look so cute. So I went for it. She colored it cut 2 inches off the back and then went for the bangs I got sick to my stomach as she was cutting because to me this was a big step. Well she showed me how to style it and all the different ways I could wear my hair. When I got home my mom and sister loved it! When my husband saw it he had a lot of nice things to say!!!! So this change is good get ride of the old and start something new that's how I look at it.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Two Cutties!

I was getting ready to print out all the pictures I am going to use for Dashes scrapbook and came across these two pictures! This picture was taken at Thanksgiving. They both had so much fun playing together. It was funny because I was so worried about Dash hurting or playing too ruff with my little Troy man. Ash was worried that Troy would be too ruff with Dash. These two guys are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!

Busy Busy Busy!

I haven't been on in soooooooo long! This are very busy!! Please pray for me I will find out what is going on next week with my Vertigo. Things were getting better and then I got a sinus infection. It almost took me back to the beginning. I now have a scar on my sinus cavity. I see my specialist on the 8Th and I will find out if I can be released back to work. Another thing I need prayer for. My boss has offered me a directorship and its really exciting cause that's what i went to school for. I just want to do what is best for my relationship with the Lord and whats best for my family. Thank you for all the support and prayers. I found out that my heart is great! My doctor said my echo gram and my ultra sound of my Cardin was beautiful. So he cant pin point why I passed out again. I am starting to feel a lot better!