Saturday, February 17, 2007

Change is good!

I haven't had bangs since I was about 10. I hadn't even really been thinking about cutting my hair. When I got to my moms house I just thought I would call the place where she gets her hair done to see if I could get a trim. When I got there I told the hair stylist I want it to be a little darker than my natural color and I think I want bangs. She told me she thought I would look so cute. So I went for it. She colored it cut 2 inches off the back and then went for the bangs I got sick to my stomach as she was cutting because to me this was a big step. Well she showed me how to style it and all the different ways I could wear my hair. When I got home my mom and sister loved it! When my husband saw it he had a lot of nice things to say!!!! So this change is good get ride of the old and start something new that's how I look at it.


Ashleigh Baker said...

Cute Tiffers!! :D Who did your hair? Nicole? I love getting my hair done there... cant' wait to see you!!

Mishel said...

Oooo....I *LOVE* it!!! It looks VERY cute!!! Can't wait to see it!