Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mini Flip books

Here are a couple different themes. The first one could be a boy theme and the second one is a sister theme. Fun, fun, fun!!! :)

Mini Flip books

I love these mini flip books I just had to show all of you. This is going to be one of my hubby's first Father's Day gifts. This is the books cover.

This is the inside of the book. I'm going to put pictures and journal on the squares and triangles.

My sister is making these to help pay for her missions trip this year to the Philippines. She is going to the city of Bacolod, that is where the Rosmarino family is. My sister has been called to go for a month and serve the Lord with her love for kids at their house. She is going in August, when I think about her leaving for a whole month I get super sad but then I have to remember this is what the Lord has called her to do. She is selling these super cute Mini Flip book's for $10.00, if you are interested in purchasing one please let me know. She can do just about any theme you could think of. Please keep her in your prayers.

Thank you,


My hubby is so sweet. The first thing I thought was awwww.... that's so sweet. He really did take great care of me for the whole nine months I was pregnant. I checked off the ones I did #7 has a line through it cause it said DON"T do house work. HA yeah right. I can't do #5, but it was sweet to suggest it he knows how I love my baths!! I thank the Lord everyday for him!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Michael's delivery story

I woke up at about 12:45am thinking I had a really bad tummy ache. I thought about a hour later I wonder if I'm having contractions. I went to the computer and looked up "what is a contraction feel like?" I read all about what they were suppose to feel like, but they didn't hurt. It said to time them I tried but it was a little hard to do by myself. I finally woke my hubby up after being awake for an hour and a half. I told him I thought I was having contractions and could he time them for me. They got a little stronger, but still didn't hurt. He timed a few and started getting our bags in the car he told me they were 5 minutes apart and lasting about 40 seconds long. I took our puppy out to go potty and off we went to the hospital. We had a lot of fun on the way there, we were joking, laughing (in between contractions) and talking about our baby boy coming. When we got to the hospital I got into the bed an all hooked up, the nurse checked me and said I was at a 4 to 5. I got a big smile on my face looked at the hubby and said "sweet I'm half way there." Within the hour I had gotten the epidural, I convinced myself I wasn't going to stress out about the pain and just deal with it ( I HATE needles) but to my surprise I didn't even feel it!! So far so good!! The nurse came in and checked me again I was at a 6 or 7. I feel asleep for a little while and convinced the hubby to close his eyes too about an hour later the nurse came in and checked me again and asked me if I felt like pushing. I told her "I have a sensation in my bottom." She checked me said "you are ready to have this baby." Frank popped up and we got ready. I pushed for 20 minutes and the little man was born. He had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and that was the scariest few seconds of my life!! The look on Frank's face was a face I never want to see again!!! They got his lungs cleaned out and that little cry was the best noise I have ever heard in my life!!! Michael James McGuigan was born April 20th, 2009 at 8:20am. He was 8lbs 7oz and 21inch long. The awesome journey now begins!!