Monday, November 27, 2006

It's raining its pooring!

Today is a perfect day to watch movies and scrapbook all day long. I started this morning at 8:00 a.m. I can't wait to see how far I can get. Right now I am in the process of putting together 3 scrapbooks for friends and family. I love scrapbooking so so so much. It's a great stress reliever for me. It's been a little bit of a challenge with my puppy Dash, but we are making it work. He just reminds me that I need to take breaks. Right now I'm working on a friends book so far its a lot of fun! My next book will be a challenge. I'm making a book for my Grandpa Gil to give to my Uncle Travis. It will be filled with lots of memories of his life. The hard part is his mom (my Grandma) passed away in March. I was very close to her so making the book will be hard. I have to remember though that she is with the Lord and to look at the pictures and remember all the great times we had together. Pray for my Uncle and Grandpa that they would lean on the Lord in difficult times. I feel comfort knowing that she loved us all and had a great life. You can tell by looking at all the pictures she was always smiling and having fun! So that is what my day will be all about scrapbooking.


Ashleigh Baker said...

What fun to have a scrapbooking day! Did you get all those pictures copied for your Grandpa's book? What a job that was going to be. :)

Mishel said...

I remember your Granda Carol always smiling too. : ) She was a very special lady.