This was probably one of the coolest things I have ever seen in my whole life!! My child in 4D. It was an awesome experience to witness my baby moving around in my belly up close. We got pictures a cd with pictures, a dvd, and a bunch of printed pictures. When I got home last night I watched the dvd and I just couldn't believe that was my baby moving around in there. Then when my hubby got home we watched it again and you should have seen the sparkle in his eye. When it was over he said "babe, we really are having a baby." I looked at him and laughed and said "really you couldn't tell by the baby bump that use to be my belly, and all those kicks you feel." I was teasing but it was so funny!! Here are some of the 4D pictures of our baby Michael.
Here is my little boy. So comfy and cozy in there.
We saw him open and close his eyes and his mouth several times, that was very neat!
I can't wait to see you in a few short months! Love you baby boy!!
Wow, that's amazing! I wish they had that when I was pregnant. Back when I was having Harrison they were just coming out with this and the doctors will still using the old ultrasounds. You had to ask for the 4D and the insurance companies weren't paying for them.
Thanks for sharing the pics. It's amazing!
That's truly amazing!! Wow!
I sure can't wait to see photos when he's out! :)
I love ultra sounds. Its amazing what they can do with them these days.
That is so cool!!! It's so amazing!
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