Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Im hooked on blogging!

I am hooked on blogging, an I don't know if that is a good thing or not. My Aunt and my cousin told me once you start reading and getting out there looking at different blogs you are going to get hooked. Well congratulations you were right. :) There are so many fun blogs out there to read and these amazing women have all kinds of things to offer. This morning I was so excited to sit down with a cup of tea and just read for about 2 hours. I know what you are saying... how do you have 2 free hours to just sit? Well.... Monday and Tuesday I kicked butt at work and cleaned the house from top to bottom just so when I put Emma down for a nap today I could go on a blogging spree. Today I am working on laundry while she is sleeping, so Im not just reading and commenting. Ha Ha but that's mostly what I am doing with my two quit hours. Just in case you are wondering what I do for a living I will tell you. I was a preschool teacher/assistant director for 6 years. After getting a bad case of Vertigo my husband and I prayed for something else to come along. I was out of work for a little over a year and with a lot of praying a family friend asked me to watch their child full time. My husband and I prayed about it for a while and decided that the Lord was opening and closing all the doors for this to happen. I have been watching her for a little over a year now and I love it! I feel like the Lord is preparing me to be a mommy. I watch Emma for 9 hours a day and take care of their two dogs and their home. I really do love what I do. Well... I better get back to blogging.


Mother Goose said...

To my beautiful daughter, thank you so much for creating my blogg. I am loving this! I pray you have a wonderful day!
All my love Mom :))))

Ashleigh Baker said...

Ha! Told ya. ;)

Kristi said...

Hey! You're the nanny!!!
My sister-in-law is a nanny and works the same kind of job, keeping a set of twins at their home through the week.

Sounds like you have your timing down pretty good with your blogging. It can become very time consuming. I used to have a pretty good schedule where I would read blogs in the morning before school and then do my blog posts at night. I need to get back on that schedule! LOL


ExploreColorado said...

Good for you. That's almost as good as my job. (Spanish Interpreter) Ok, so I get paid to do my hobby. My real job is three little girls. They're as ornery(sp?) as they come, but they sure make me laugh. We have lots of fun. There's a different kind of pay for the mommy job.
How's your house search going? Yes, your market is quite a bit higher than ours. Hope you find something soon.