Tuesday, July 22, 2008

6 quirky thinks about me......

Ok, I've been tagged by Kristi over at http://www.thimblethoughts.blogspot.com/ here are the rules.

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2.Mention the rules.
3.Tell 6 quirky, yet boring unspectacular details about myself.
4.Tag 6 other bloggers by linking to them.
5.Go to each persons blog and let them know they have been tagged.

Here I go.

1. I don't really like pizza but if I must eat it because my husband loves it then I eat it with ranch! I know your say yuck but trust me just try it once. I have had a lot of people tell me how gross that sounds and they tried it and are now hooked, they can't remember what pizza was like before they dipped it in ranch. :)

2. I DO NOT like my head petted. My husband thinks it is the funniest thing ever. He will do it to me just to get a rise out of me. I love going to the salon and getting my head messaged and tugged on but Im not an animal don't pet me.

3. I love veggies!! I know you may not think thats quirky but I would rather eat all the veggies at dinner time than anything else!!! My mom had it easy when it came to that when I was a kid. :)

4. I like to have everything in its place. I don't freak out if they aren't but I will put everything in it's proper spot and I do get made fun of for that. This moving thing Im trying to just take it easy and realize it will all be put in its spot in time. I won't lie though it is driving my NUTS!!!!

5. I love cleaning. Mostly other peoples houses but I love to clean mine too! I just love the smell of cleaning products and just fresh stuff.

6. Last but not least, I love sour stuff! I love sour candy, sour fruit (i dont mean sour as not good but sour flavor) like the skin of plums, green granny smith apples.

Here are the six people I tagged.

1. Just Laugh- abcand123okinawa.blogspot.com/

2. Ummm....So ya - sarasmee.blogspot.com/

3. Heart & Home - heart-and-home.net/

4. Seasons of Life- myseasonsoflife.blogspot.com/

5. Inside the Fish Bowl - nolanites.blogspot.com/

6. Our Life in the Country - teemcountrylife.blogspot.com/

Have fun!! :)


Ashleigh Baker said...

This is so funny! You definitely got me hooked on the ranch with pizza thing!

Thanks for the tag. I did do this meme a few months ago, though--you can read it here. Love ya!

Kristi said...

Those were fun to read. Wish you lived closer...I'd let you clean MY house. lol hehe

Thanks for playing.


ExploreColorado said...

YOU DONT LIKE PIZZA???????? Hmmm well, at least you found a way to enjoy it any way. :D

Mishel said...

This was fun to read! I knew all of them, except about your head being petted! And it's because of you that we eat ranch dressing with our pizza. : )

~~Deby said...

I enjoyed reading these....we all have our quirks don't we...
I don't do sour, except that I love lemony-lime flavored things..and love vinegary things..
ahhh wellll....