Monday, July 7, 2008


Here is our new home! We are so excited and feel so blessed by the Lord. Our plates are so full right now it's overwhelming. We both have so much going on but we are going to just pray the Lord help's us through it all. Frank just started his new job and absolutely loves it!! Since the program he was in was teaching them to be x-ray tech's, he wont be using much of that anymore some but not much. He has to basically learn all new stuff. He still has one more state test to take so he is studying like a crazy person. Me on the other hand have nothing going on, ha yeah right! I have so much going on I can't think straight. This week I need to buy paint for both bathrooms and two of the bedrooms. We aren't painting the third bedroom right now with hopes it might be a baby's room in the near future. :) My husband is so busy with everything I told him that I would do that painting. Im not good at painting but I don't think Im bad. This weekend Im going camping with my mom and her church so I will be gone Friday, Sat. and Sunday. Im leaving for her house Thursday night, and have to prep all our food for the trip when I get to her house. I need to buy the paint today or tomorrow, plus since we are starting to move next Tuesday I have to start packing. Oh Lord help me where do I even start. Everything is hitting all at once wouldn't you know. Please pray for my nerves I get stressed out easily and intern get sick, so I pray that I can just give it all to God and trust he will lead us in the right direction in everything.


Ashleigh Baker said...

YAY!! What a pretty house! I can't wait to see it. Have fun, take a deep breath and just dig in!

Kristi said...

Oh YAY! I know you cant wait to get in there. I'm happy for ya!


ExploreColorado said...

How exciting. What great news. I like it. Its cute.

Ana said...

What a BEAUTIFUL house!!! You're going to love it ... if you don't already. :) Painting will be fun, just think of what it will look like when it's done!!

Remember, God never gives you anything you can't handle, even moving, paining, new jobs, etc.. :) God's right there, strengthening you to do what He's planned for you! Be encouraged Tiffany!!!

Susan said...

Hey, great news on the house. I love painting rooms. It's just so neat to see something change, and newly painted room look so much cleaner! Have lots of fun, don't stress out, just do the next thing, then the next thing and so on, it will all get done

mama2drama said...

Wow Tiffany that was so fast! Congratulations! Can't wait to see what you do with it. Now I have 2 ideas and in order to find out you'll have to email me. Curious?
nolanites at roadrunner dot com! Have a fun camping weekend.

Sara said...

ya i get to see it on saturday